Replacing Tiled Sections

Old tiles - to be replaced by a glass kitchen splashback

Glass over tiles as splashbacks

Up until recent years, tiled sections used to be the first choice. These old tiles themselves are easily cleanable, but the gaps in between are not. The gaps increasingly grey out and get dirty over time. Our kitchen splashbacks are timeless.

Zeller Martin
Pro Tip

“You do not have to use hammer and chisel in order to clean your tiles and the gaps between them. The easiest way is to take one of our glass kitchen splashbacks and put it in front of your tiles behind the stove. No hustle necessary. On top of that, your kitchen immediately gets a new face & image – timeless and modern.”

“Oh, and one more thing: LED-lighting refines the kitchen even more!”

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Tiled Sections – a beauty of the past

Tiled sections definitely were a beautiful feature in our kitchens. Most of the times dominant in colour or patterns. Now, their time has come to be replaced.

Rejuvenate your kitchen with one of our glass kitchen splashbacks. Individually crafted, tailored to your wishes (→ Kitchen Splashbacks).

Kitchen back with old-fashioned tiles
Kitchen back with dirty tile joints

Gaps catch Dirt

Over time gaps between your tiles turn grey, break apart, or get dirty through dirt splashes (→ Splash Protection), dust, and so on. In order to keep these gaps clean, most of us start going to town armed with tooth brushes, baking powder, etc. on a regular basis.

Glass kitchen splashbacks have a smooth surface, which makes them easy to clean (→ Assembly / Maintenance). The smooth surface also makes them more hygienic and saves you time – time to spend with your loved ones.

Spice up your Kitchen Smartly

By going for the reasonable solution in a glass kitchen splashback instead of buying a brand new kitchen. Like a new fob to your watch, our splashbacks spice up your kitchen and give it a whole new image.

In combination with the right lighting (→ LED Lighting) you will experience a completely new, refreshing ambience in your kitchen.

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